Getting Started

The simplest way to get started with Argus is to install it using Helm version 3.

You’ll need to add the LogicMonitor chart repository:

$ helm repo add logicmonitor

Note: Argus helm charts will only be installed using Helm 3 on Kubernetes clusters newer than version 1.14.0. For any reason, if you are using Helm 2 on Kubernetes cluster older than 1.14.0, you will need to make tiller available on cluster using following steps:

$ kubectl create serviceaccount tiller --namespace="kube-system"
$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
$ helm init --service-account=tiller

Now you can install the LogicMonitor Collectorset controller:

Get the configuration file downloaded from the LogicMonitor UI or you can create from the template here.

Update configuration parameters in configuration file.

# Export the configuration file path & use it in the helm command.
$ export COLLECTORSET_CONTROLLER_CONF_FILE=<collectorset-controller-configuration-file-path>

$ helm upgrade \
  --install \
  --debug \
  --wait \
  --namespace="$NAMESPACE" \
  collectorset-controller logicmonitor/collectorset-controller

See the configuration page for a list of values the Collectorset Controller helm chart supports, and their descriptions.

Note: The Collectorset controller should be installed only once per cluster.

Next, install Argus:

Get the configuration file downloaded from the LogicMonitor UI or you can create from the template here.

Update configuration parameters in configuration file.

# Export the configuration file path & use it in the helm command.
$ export ARGUS_CONF_FILE=<argus-configuration-file-path>

$ helm upgrade \
  --install \
  --debug \
  --wait \
  --namespace="$NAMESPACE" \
  argus logicmonitor/argus

See the configuration page for a list of values the Argus helm chart supports, and their descriptions.

Note: Argus should be installed only once per cluster.

After installation is complete, you should make sure you have DataSources in your account that will start monitoring the resources in your cluster.


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